Wedding Bells!!

Wonderful news today!! My dear friend (and some of yours as well) has informed me of her upcoming nuptials!!!

Mixologist is getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Such a liar

Medical insurance premiums in the United States are on the rise, the chief architect of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul has told The Daily Caller.

Can anyone tell me…

Why this nasty organization is allowed to continue?


The Judeo-Christian tradition commands personal generosity as represented, for example, by the biblical injunction against retrieving any sheaf left behind while harvesting one’s own field. That is for the gleaners — “the poor and the alien” (Leviticus 19:10). Like Ruth in the field of Boaz. As far as I can tell, that charitable transaction involved no mediation by the IRS.

Vile and evil

A Planned Parenthood affiliate’s newest president and CEO said in an official statement that she regards her work for the biggest abortion business in America to be a holy profession.

Melaney Linton, who will now oversee Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, is determined to further the Life-ending work of Planned Parenthood:

Why do they

need a cell phone if they can’t afford one? I have trouble affording mine but I pay for it. If I can’t afford it any longer who pays for mine? Or do I just have to suck it up and not have one at all?


We are coming

Call me what you will…




Its definition of “militia extremists” states:

(U//FOUO) Groups or individuals who facilitate or engage in acts of violence directed at federal, state, or local government officials or infrastructure in response to their belief that the government deliberately is stripping Americans of their freedoms and is attempting to establish a totalitarian regime. These individuals consequently oppose many federal and state authorities’ laws and regulations, (particularly those related to firearms ownership), and often belong to armed paramilitary groups. They often conduct paramilitary training designed to violently resist perceived government oppression or to violently overthrow the US Government. (Page 2 of 3, emphasis added)


We will be seeing this sort of thing more and more often, unfortunately.

insulated from reality

A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves..Pause a moment, reflect back.

These events are actual events from

1. In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed
by a Muslim male extremist.

2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics,
athletes were kidnapped and massacred
by Muslim male extremists.

3. In 1979, the US Embassy
in Iran was taken over
by Muslim male extremists.

4. During the 1980’s a number of Americans
were kidnapped in Lebanon
by Muslim male extremists.

5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks
in Beirut was blown up
by Muslim male extremists.

6. In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked
and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered
and thrown overboard in his wheelchair
by Muslim male extremists.

7. In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens ,
and a US Navy diver trying to rescue
passengers was murdered
by Muslim male extremists.

8. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed
by Muslim male extremists.

9. In 1993, the World Trade Center
was bombed the first time
by Muslim male extremists.

10. In 1998, the US Embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania were bombed by Muslim male extremists.

11. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked;
two were used as missiles to take down
the World Trade Centers and of the
remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon
and the other was diverted and crashed
by the passengers. Thousands of people
were killed by Muslim male extremists.

12. In 2002, the United States
fought a war in Afghanistan
against Muslim male extremists.

13. In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl
was kidnapped and murdered by—
you guessed it—Muslim male extremists.

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